Thursday, December 9, 2010

How to Make Bacon

Bacon is one of the best tasting things on Earth, yet its identity is shrouded in mystery. What is bacon? How is it made? How long does it take? Can you make it at home?

Yes, you can indeed. Here is the basic process:
  1. Get a pig belly
  2. Apply a dry cure for at least a week
  3. Rinse off salt
  4. Hang to dry for a day or two
  5. Cold smoke ~12 hours
  6. Slice, fry, eat
As you can see, bacon is indeed labor intensive, requiring at least 10 days to make. But homemade bacon has several advantages over store-bought bacon:
  1. No nitrites. Commercial bacon is cured with 'pink salt' which preserves color and helps protect against botulism, but also has been implicated as a potential carcinogen. Unless you are eating your bacon raw, botulism is not really a concern here as the toxin is destroyed during cooking. According to the World Health Organization, 5 minutes at 185 F destroys botulinum toxin, conditions easily achieved during pan-frying.
  2. Will keep very well and for a long time
  3. Can cut into any shape and thickness desired (great for soups and chilis - can cut into large cubes or strips which maintain their texture far better than sliced bacon)
  4. Superior flavor and 'cookability'. Commercial bacon is typically injected with cure then injected with water to increase weight. With homemade bacon, being dry-cured then hung to dry, the bacon comes out far less 'flabby' and doesn't spatter nearly as much in the pan since the water content is so low.
  5. Cheaper than commercial bacon.
  6. Impress your friends.
Step 1: Get a pig belly

Pig bellies can be found at most self-respecting butchers. At the very least they can order you some. I would recommend doing a big slab (maybe 10 lbs at a time or more) because making lots of bacon is the same amount of work as making a little. Also, it keeps forever and makes a great gift. Sometimes pig bellies are also called "rib-sides" - these are actually from the tips of the ribs to the nipple-line, and I've found they aren't quite as fatty (and therefore not as good for bacon) as the center of the belly. What we are looking for in bacon is the abdominal oblique muscles surrounded by fat.

Some bellies will still have the skin: whether you want to leave this on or trim it off is a matter of preference. I prefer to trim it because a) the cure and smoke will penetrate better, and b) it can burn and get hard when you fry it.

Step 2: Dry cure

The goal of the cure is to draw water out of the meat and to preserve it by introducing salt. Most bacteria don't have a chance in such a salty environment. I like a ratio of 2:1 salt to sugar. For a 10 lb slab, 2 cups kosher salt and 1 cup brown sugar is plenty (in fact, perhaps overkill- you might try 1.5 cups salt to 0.75 cups sugar). Too much sugar and the outside could burn when you cook it. Pack the belly in the cure and stick it in the fridge. It will give off lots of liquid in the first couple days. Ideally you should keep the belly above this liquid, but I've left it submerged in the liquid for 2 weeks with no ill-effects.

As for curing times, I'd recommend at the very least 1 week, ideally two weeks. I've cooked up samples at only 4 days in the cure, and they still act like regular pork at this stage. By two weeks, the meat is thoroughly salted the texture has changed to a firm, dense, ham-like consistency.

Step 3: Rinse salt

I like to 'freshen' the bacon. This will pull out some salt that has penetrated the meat. This sort of step is typical in the production of lox - you want to cure the fish but don't want it to be overly salty. You will want to soak the bacon in a few changes of fresh, cool water - I'd recommend at least a couple hours. If you don't freshen enough and your bacon is too salty, it can still be rectified immediately prior to cooking by soaking the slices for about 30 minutes in fresh water, so don't worry if your bacon comes out too salty.

Step 4: Hang

This is where you allow the outside to dry and form a pellicle. This is an important step that really helps develop the texture of the meat and helps during the cold-smoking process. Smoke doesn't 'stick' to wet surfaces very well so you need to dry your bacon. Hang the freshened meat somewhere with low humidity. A fridge is perfect if you have the space. In a fridge it will take about 24 hours. You could also do it in a basement or something and aim a fan at it and do it for a little less time. Basically you want the outside to be tacky to the touch so the smoke will penetrate the meat.

Step 5: Cold smoke

Cold smoking is a process where you apply smoke to a food but no heat. This maintains the texture of the meat, and, more importantly, you can apply smoke for a much longer amount of time than hot-smoking. In hot smoking (which is basically barbecue) you cook and smoke simultaneously. I can cold-smoke a bacon for 12 hours (or longer), but if I were to hot-smoke for that long I would have rendered most of the fat and burned most of the meat.

Making a cold smoker is easy and cheap. You will need a cardboard box, a soldering iron, a tin can, and some wood chips. Below is a photo of my cold-smoking rig. Basically you just want to fill the can with some wood chips, stick in the soldering iron, and put this in the box along with your meat. The soldering iron will smolder the wood slowly but produce almost no heat. Also, because of the very limited oxygen in the can, the wood will not flame up and burn (which would also create heat and bitter smoke). In general my smoker will run about 10 degrees F above ambient, so ideally you would do this when it is cool outside.

Hang the bacon in the cardboard box, and let it smoke for about 10-12 hours. Big fatty slabs of pork can take this level of smoke-abuse. You will need to give the can a shake every hour or so, and every couple hours you might need to change out the wood chips. My favorite wood for bacon is hickory, but feel free to experiment with other woods (oak, applewood, pecan, etc. should all be good choices). I strongly recommend you soak the wood chips in water prior to use: this will tame the harshness of the smoke and create a slow smolder. If you smoke with dry wood chips, the smoke will be harsh and sting your eyes - not what you want on your food.

Step 6: Eating

Now that your bacon is cured and cold-smoked, it is ready for frying and eating. Slice it however you like- I find it is easier to make thin slices if the bacon is partly frozen first.

Anyways, that's it. Now you have 10 lbs of slab bacon that you can cut however you want. Large cubes are fantastic in soups, beans, pasta, chili, etc.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Robust Brown Ale

There are few styles more appropriate for the Fall season than English Brown ale. But, I am frequently disappointed by many commercially-available Browns, often being too thin and lifeless, and not very Fall-like at all. This recipe is an answer to that: I wanted to brew something that was identifiable as an English brown, but also robust and satisfying, with plenty of toasty notes and a solid bitterness. To achieve this, I decided to use fairly high proportions of brown malt and pale chocolate malt. I really liked what the pale chocolate contributed, kind of a muted roast, faint chocolate, deep toast character.

One trick we used for this beer was to make our own brown malt. Using the guidelines from the "All Things Homebrewing" blog, we got really close to real brown malt (we had a reference sample on hand), although ours seemed to be a bit more aromatic, doubtless because of the fact it was freshly toasted.

Old Toasty
Northern English Brown ale
5.5 gal batch, brewed 9/5/10

9 lbs Maris Otter
1 lb Crystal 60
1 lb homemade brown malt (made from Maris Otter)
0.5 lb Pale chocolate malt

1 oz Northern Brewer (8.1% aa) 60 min
1 oz Northern Brewer 20 min
1 oz East Kent Goldings (5% aa) 3 min

1.055 OG
1.017 FG
5.0% abv
45 IBUs

Yeast propagation: Wyeast 1968, used 3/4 cup slurry from previous batch (a bitter)
Water profile: "Mosher's Ideal Mild ale" (Ca++ 83 ppm, Mg++ 12 ppm, Cl- 92 ppm, SO4 112 ppm, Na+ 38 ppm, carbonate 106 ppm)
Single infusion mash at 156.5 F
Cast out 5.5 gal, 71% brewhouse efficiency
Fermented at approx 69 F

9/5 Brewed
9/11 at 1.020, got roused a bit
9/19 at 1.017. Bottled to 1.9 vols CO2

Review (10/23, about a month in the bottle)

Aroma - Toasty, light chocolate, light roasted. A little sour tang, almost like sourdough.

Appearance - Deep chestnut brown, ok clarity (not great), head small but retains, no lacing.

Flavor - Toasty malts, chocolate, hint of smoke almost. Robust malty body, some caramel sweetness. I'd say the malt bill is about perfect for what we were going for. Lasting bitterness which may be out of style, but is enjoyable.

Mouthfeel - Most of these bottles got overcarbonated, and I'm not totally sure how or why. I knocked out some of the carbonation in this sample by first pouring it vigorously into a pyrex glass. When the carbonation is knocked-out a bit, the mouthfeel is full and rich. Great.

Overall - When properly carbonated, this beer is awesome. Robust and satisfying but still very much a brown ale. Could reduce the IBUs to around 35 and maybe take the pale chocolate down to about 0.4 lbs. A little diacetyl might be nice in this beer, possibly try a different yeast strain (1084?).

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

English Bitter

Session beers are getting a lot of attention these days, which seems like a good thing. To be honest I've never really had any session beers, mostly because the vast majority are made in the UK, and very few make it over here to the US. Still, from a brewing perspective, cramming lots of flavor into a small beer presents a challenge, but there are a few tricks that I've gleaned from books and forums. First is to use an expressive yeast strain and ferment at somewhat elevated temps (fusels aren't a huge concern at such low starting gravities). Second is to use relatively high percentages of crystal malts. Third, a beer like this requires richer base malts like Maris Otter, although next time I might try to use Mild malt as a base.

I hadn't really planned on brewing any low-abv beers till I tried an English Bitter brewed by my friend Tommy. It was flavorful, hoppy, had a firm malt backbone, and weighed in at less than 4% alcohol.

Cami's Bitter
6.2 gal batch, brewed 8/28/2010

6 lbs Maris Otter
1 lb Crystal 40
1 lb White wheat malt

1.75 oz Fuggles/EKG mix (4.5% aa) 60 min
1 oz Fuggles/EKG mix 20 min
1.25 oz Fuggles/EKG mix dry hop, last 4 days of fermentation

1.041 OG
1.010 FG
4.0% abv
35 IBUs

Yeast propagation: Wyeast 1968, 1/2 gal starter.
Single infusion mash approx. 152 F
cast out 6.2 gal, 85% brewhouse eff.
fermented at 68 F first 4 days, let rise to room temp (75 F) last 4 days.
carbed to 1.2 vols CO2

8/28 Brewed
9/6 Down to 1.010
9/7 Bottled
9/12 Bottles have cleared up and are carbonated nicely.

Review (9/14, one week in bottle. served at ~50 F)

Aroma - Musty fruit, earthy. Hops pretty faint. Maybe an apricot/peach note. Caramel.

Appearance - Polished orange, exceptionally clear. Moderate white head which retains throughout, good lacing.

Flavor - Sweeter caramel malt up front, some faint toastiness in the background. Finish has a long, lasting bitterness which is really nice. Needs a little more in the way of biscuity/toasty flavors. If there is any diacetyl I can't really pick it up.

Mouthfeel - To me, perfect. I thought it might be too thin at 1.010 (we were aiming for 1.012) but it isn't. Creamy & full, carbonation level is perfect and it just glides across your mouth.

Overall - Good, solid brew, especially for the abv. Lasting bitterness brings a lot to this beer, otherwise it would be too 'drinkable' in the sense that sips might go down unnoticed.

Next time try to get more biscuit flavor in it. Could try to a) add some amber or biscuit malt, b) use an English crystal malt rather than Briess, c) use some (maybe half) Mild malt as a base. I think b & c together would improve this beer. The yeast is a winner, don't change that. Dry hops might be unnecessary. Either ditch, or use leaf hops, as Tommy's version seemed to have more aroma. Corey mentions it tastes like 'tea'; to me it is ok but it sounds like we might have sparged too hot. With such a small grain bed, we should sparge with 170 F water next time.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

First lambic tasting - 8 months old

Just this past week we decided to get together and draw the first sample from our lambic barrel project. Part of the reason we wanted to do this was because we are impatient and excited, but the main reason was to decide whether we want to brew another barrel this winter so we have stuff to blend. Based on the results, I would totally be down for brewing another barrel, but it might also be interesting and fun to try something different like a Flanders Red.

So far our young lambic seems to be showing some promise, but the acidity isn't there yet. It has come down to 1.011 (from 1.058, so it's at 6.1% abv right now). Here is a review of the 8-month old sample we took (keep in mind it was flat as it came straight from the barrel):

Aroma - Seriously potent stuff, we could smell it across the room. Big, bretty nose wafting everywhere. Sour fruits, bready, lemon, and some cider/apple juice. The nose is really fantastic and definitely getting within the ballpark of how a lambic should smell.

Appearance - Well, it's totally flat, but it is extremely clear. The clarity was a little surprising as we used lots of raw wheat. I guess the Brett has really been going to town. The color is much more pale than I had anticipated, paler than any Belgian lambic I've seen.

Flavor - No sourness. Drying oak finish, but faint and not overpowering at all. Certainly some chardonnay character (no surprise as it came from a chardonnay barrel). Light malt. A little sweet. Overall pretty bland.

Mouthfeel - Flatness aside, the mouthfeel is thin, maybe too thin. Hard to judge with no carbonation and no acidity, as dryness with no sourness just leaves a thin and lifeless beer.

Overall - So far so good. Was a little surprised at the lack of acidity, but this beer is still very young, and we are hoping it will develop given time. It seems that the Pedio hasn't done squat yet, so I am thinking it might be wise to pitch a couple more packs, as the conditions should be ideal now (low pH, low oxygen environment).